hello gamers.
this is a WIP. forever.

Varlais Marcelain

In-game: Varlais Marcel
Race: Auri-Elezen
Age: Late 20s
Alignment: Neutral Good
Weapon: Chakrams/Aether

  • Warrior of Light

  • would prefer not to fight

  • has a porxie that was crafted by their mother

  • Sharlayan education

  • canon Echo

  • yes I know they're a Viera here

Averil Marcelain

In-game: Avery Marcel
Race: Auri-Elezen
Age: Early 30s
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Weapon: DW Short Swords

  • Warrior of Light

  • charismatic and vindictive

  • absorbed too much light on the First and damaged his aether

  • in a relationship with E'zra

  • Sharlayan education

  • predictive Echo

E'zra Nhovan

In-game: E'zra Nhovan
Race: Miqo'te
Age: Mid 30s
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Weapon: Stave/Scythe

  • Archon and Scion

  • thesis was on necromancy but he doesn't refer to it as such

  • skilled at manipulating the aether of others

  • no association with voidsent

  • aetherial sensitivity Echo?? idk


In-game: Em Rys
Race: Elezen
Age: Early 20s
Alignment: True Neutral
Weapon: Tome

  • void mage

  • their voidsent is named Alichino

  • keeps a dagger on their belt for various reasons

  • voracious appetite

  • hater (of Varlais, specifically)

  • no Echo


In-game: Lloyd Kalos
Race: Au Ra
Age: Early 40s
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Weapon: Greatsword/Axe

  • mercenary for hire

  • he does not fuck around

  • wanted in Garlemald for murderrr

  • Garlean name was Dolos dus Kalos

  • same height as Zenos

  • no Echo

Marev Alkaev

In-game: Marev Alkaev
Race: Viera
Age: 200+
Alignment: Lawful Good
Weapon: Stave

  • traveling healer

  • can use their staff as a makeshift lance

  • partnered with Arryn Vilkas

  • just trying to enjoy their vacation

  • back of hand-to-mouth anime villain laugh

  • no Echo

I like these series

  • Animal Crossing

  • Destiny

  • Dishonored

  • Dragon Age

  • The Elder Scrolls

  • Fallout

  • Final Fantasy

  • Fire Emblem

  • Guild Wars

  • The Legend of Zelda

  • Metal Gear Solid

  • Pokémon

  • The Sims

  • The Witcher

  • Yakuza

  • probably Starfield lol